

The assignments required for the Keep Your Heart Activity (which will happen in August) are listed here along with their due dates.  It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with the projects.  We will not chase you and bug you for your projects, but they must be in on time to qualify for the activity.  If you will be out of town plan on turning things in early.  If something comes up to make that impossible talk to Pastor or Mrs. Burden to make arrangements.  If your work is late and we don’t hear from you, we will assume you are not going to continue towards the activity.  

    Pastor Burden:  youthpastor@trinitybaptist.info

    Mrs. Burden: rossie107@gmail.com

Assignment Information

Bring your folder each time you say a verse or turn in an assignment.  There are too many people for us to keep up with who has done what, so you need to get your sheet signed with each assignment.  Turn it in completed to go on the activity.  Do not plan to get it signed at the end.  Bring it each week with each assignment.  

Verse Memorization

There will be a verse to learn each week.  These must be said to Pastor or Mrs. Burden by the due date.  Learn them to the point of saying them without any help. 

Bible Writing

There will be a passage to write out by hand each week.  They may not be typed (copy/paste wrecked that option!) 


There will be a sermon to listen to every other week.  You can find them on our website tbcyouthministry.com. As you listen to the sermons take notes.  For each sermon you need to turn in a 1/2 page (or more if needed) that includes a synopsis of the sermon (what was preached.)  It can be paragraph or outline style.  You also need to include a thought about each sermon.  This can be something you learned, something you want to work on, or your thoughts about what he said.  After your notes, write a sentence that says you listened to the entire sermon. Keep in mind that liars are fryers: Revelation 21:8 (:

Book Project

Get the book What’s On Your Mind by John Goestch.  You can get the book from Pastor Burden.  The book costs $10 if you want to keep it, or if you return it in not so new looking condition.  You may borrow the book from Pastor Burden instead if you want, but it must be returned in really good condition by August 9th. The project is for you to read the entire book and write a paper (typed) answering the following questions:

    1. What was the book about? (summarize it)

    2. What stood out to you? (find a quote or 1 particular idea from the book, tell what it was and why it meant something to you)

    3. What are you going to do with this? (Write an application you can make to your life from what you learned in the book)

Your paper should show that you read the book and have a working knowledge of what it said.  It should show that care and thought was used while preparing the paper.  It should sound like you wrote it.  Do not copy the book at all (other than to write your quote at the beginning of answering question 2), do not use any internet help, or have anyone help you write the paper.  It should be your wording and sound like you; it’s not a school project.  However, it should be done with care.  At the end you need to write a statement that says that you read the entire book and wrote the paper by yourself without any help from people, the internet, etc. Help from the Lord is acceptable, of course :) This project does not show up on the assignment sheet till it is due so don’t forget about it or put it off!