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Sunday School


Coming in July


This is a 13 week study that will help to break down the process of being transformed into the image of Christ, as well as the process of becoming an effective disciple of Christ and teacher of His Word.  The class is designed to encourage an intensive daily study of God's word so that you can understand and apply biblical change in your life as a believer.  We will learn how to pass these basic tenants of a spirit filled life to our children through practical and specific examples.  Our journey will take us through the process of understanding and putting off the flesh, renewing our minds  through a cleansing by the word, and putting on the new man which reflects God's holiness and righteousness.  Come join us for weekly instruction and discussion on how to disciple our children in the truth of God's word.  The recommended text and study guide can be used as a daily devotional for home study and family discussion. Rob Buchalski will be teaching this class in the upper room. We hope you'll make plans to attend!




Parent & Teen Sunday School Series

Starting in October we will be starting a 7 week Sunday School Curriculum "Hook, Line & Sinker" by Cary Schmidt. Our Sunday School Group will be meeting at 9:30am Sunday mornings. In a day when our families are under attack, We look forward to open the Word of God with teens and their families at the same time. I'm excited about the opportunity to dive into this great book by Cary Schmidt. The workbook is not necessary for the Sunday, but it is a good resource. It's $3.95 on Amazon or Striving Together. I hope you'll plan to join us Sunday mornings for "Hook, Line & Sinker"
