

"We are more than conquerors through him that loved us." Romans 8:37

Summer Challenge is one of my favorite events on our youth group calendar. If you have never participated in a challenge before, I hope you will join us! Our theme this year is "More than Conquerors." During our challenge, we will memorize scripture, listen to sermons, read a book, and a few other disciplines that will help us grow spiritually. Our goal is to understand that even though it would appear that evil is being victorious, we are not victims, but conquerors through Christ! Whether you are a teen or a parent, we would love for you to join us!

Our Reading Challenge

The Hiding Place Corrie Ten Boom

Here is a book aglow with the glory of God and the courage of a quiet Christian spinster whose life was transformed by it. A story of Christ’s message and the courage woman who listened and lived to pass it along—with joy and triumph!

Our Memory Verses

Romans 8:35-39                                                           2 Corinthians 12:7-10                                         Romans 12:17-21                                                         1 John 4:2-4

Our Summer Sermons

You can stream or download the preaching below.